Jan 30, 2012

Online Buyers Bribed for Positive Reviews

Posted by Wendy Weber

I’m sure it happens more than we hear of…online merchants bribing, enticing, or otherwise cajoling buyers for positive reviews.

A piece by David Streitfeld which appeared in last week’s New York Times, (click here), exposes the practice of offering a refund for a positive online review. “Hundreds of reviewers proclaimed the case a marvel, a delight, exactly what they needed to achieve bliss. And definitely worth five stars.”

Customers who purchased protective tablet cases from Amazon merchant VIP Deals received along with their purchase a letter extending an invitation “to write a product review for the Amazon community.”

“In return for writing the review, we will refund your order so you will have received the product for free,” it said.

Through the use of this product review campaign, “VIP pushed its product far above the competition, none of which had so much enthusiasm with so little dissent.”

“Asked why Amazon did not seem to notice that at least a few consumers called into question the VIP deal on its own site, a spokeswoman declined to comment.” Hmmn!
